606 E. Main Street
Suite 1003
Lansdale, PA 19446
Phone: 215-362-7432
For your convenience, we have compiled the following list of community resources. You may find the information you need on your own, or call for an appointment with our Social Services and Consumer Coordinator and we will be happy to help you navigate the system and find the services you are looking for.
Benefit Programs
Government Benefits
Social Security Administration
Veterans Administration
Personal Navigator Program of VNA-Community Services
Civic Engagement
CARIE (Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly)
Coming of Age
Montgomery County Foundation
RSVP of Montgomery County
Family & Caregiver Resources
Alzheimer's Association
Family Services of Montgomery County
Montgomery County Office of Senior Services
Montgomery County Mediation Services
Pennsylvania Adult Day Services Association
Pennsylvania Homecare Association
Health Services
North Penn Visiting Nurses Association
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Legal Services
PA Health Law Project
PA Senior Law Center
Partnership TMA - Community Coaster
Other Resources
CADCOM (Community Action Development Commission of Montgomery County)
Community Connections
Elder Fraud Prevention
National Center on Elder Abuse & Hotline
National Council on Aging
PA 211-statewide collaborative for health and human service information for Pennsylvanians
Pennsylvania Association of Senior Centers
Your Way Home Call Center
Area Discounts for Seniors (Courtesy of TriCounty Active Adult Center)